See-Through Concrete: LiTraCon

20 Jun

I saw this material on some magazines a few years ago and remember that it was focused in the articles about Tokyo Fiber. It seemed for me that it was on the early stage to be accepted to the actual design production at the time.

何年か前にこの素材を雑誌等でみましたし、Tokyo Fiber の記事の中でも注目されていたのも覚えています。その時点は私にはまだ実際のデザイン製作に受け入れられ始めた初期段階に見えました。

So I was very excited when I saw some finished products and architecture with the material through The uses of the material are not only for the wall or facade anymore, and can be table lamp shades as interior accents and pavers and sidewalks in the tunnel below your feet. It certainly has been expanding the possibilities.

だから、 Dornob.comでこのマテリアルを使った出来上がった製品や建築物を見た時は代興奮しました。使用方法はもはや壁やファサードだけではありません。インテリアのアクセントとして卓上照明にも、トンネル内の足下にある敷石や歩道にも使われ始めました。確実に使用方法の可能性が広がりつつあるようです。。

The material named  Litracon™ is a combination of optical fibres and fine concrete. It is made with thousands of optical glass fibres which run parallel to each other between the two main surfaces of each block.


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